About me

I’m a double degree graduate in Informatics & Industrial Engineering currently studying the Master's degree in Advanced Mathematics and Mathematical Engineering. I mostly specialize in deep learning and its applications to business analytics, speech and autonomous robots.


Barcelona, Spain — Nov. 2018 - Now

I am doing my Master Thesis at IRI (Institute of Robotics and Industrial Computing) under the supervision of Lluís Ros and Enric Celaya.
The thesis is based on the design, construction and control of a remote controlled segway hover-board with platform leaning control.

Boston, US — Feb. 2018 - Aug. 2018

I did my Bachelor Thesis at MIT (AutoID Lab) under the supervision of Prof. Brian Subirana.
During the this half year I researched speech deep learning models. The Thesis focuses on building a deep learning model to allow 'wake up sentence' registration for the open conversational commerce project.

Barcelona, Spain — Sep. 2016- Jun. 2017

Obtained a grant to collaborate with Prof. Argimiro A. Arratia. During the colaboration I created interactive educational material and clustered financial data using R Shiny.

Sant Cugat, Spain — Jun. 2016 - Sep. 2016

Designed a tool to automatically detect errors on servos and an algorithm to detect mediaedge using the cutter signal under the supervision of Javier Rosas.

Barcelona, Spain — Sep. 2015 - Jan. 2018

Topic Responsible of the EBEC (European BEST Engineering Competition) Barcelona Local Fase:
  • Coorinating a team of 10 members in order to write the 3 tasks that 100 students had to solve in a limited time. One of the task was sponsored by CARNET.
  • Responsible for the material, the jury and organization needed for the competition.
  • We appered in the news on TV3:
IT Developer:
  • Developed a polling web applications with Iñigo Moreno so our members can vote. It's running on Node JS, MongoDB, has a Google log in and it's responsive. Mainly focused on the back-end.
I have attended 7 hackathons in different cities including Cambridge, Stirling and Barcelona. On all of them I've learned a lot of things and on two of them my team won the first prize (about 2000$). Click on the hexagons to get more information of each hackathon.
Master's degree in Advanced Mathematics and Mathematical Engineering

Barcelona, Spain — Sep. 2018 - Jun. 2019

  • Discrete Mathematics: Graph Theory, Codes and Cryptography & Discrete and Algorithmic Geometry
  • Scientific Computing: Numerical methods for dynamical systems
Multidisciplinary Engineering at CFIS, UPC

Barcelona, Spain — Sep. 2013 - Aug. 2018

Coursed a Double Degree Program. Apart from the two degrees I took other complements as:

  • Deep Learning for Speech and Language at UPC ETSETB TelecomBCN.
  • Introduction to Deep Learning at UPC ETSETB TelecomBCN.
  • Programming Contests Training.
Informatics Engineering

Computing specialization
Honors in: Programming, Probability & Statistics

Industrial Engineering

Honors in: Geometry, Business & Economics

Bachelor of Science at Betània-Patmos

Barcelona, Spain — Sep. 2011 - Jun. 2013

Bronze medalist at Spanish Olympiad in Physics


First Certificate at 14. I've lived for half a year in Boston.


Learned at high school. I obtained the A2 Certificate.






I have been doing projects with it since I began the unviversity.


I prefer using TypeScript when possible.


Learned at unviversity. Used among other projects at my Degree Thesis.


Node JS






Car & Motorcycle driving license

MIT Sailing Rating

Advanced Open Water Diver

Étoile d’Or Skier

Railmap Challenge

In this hackathon we did a simulation of the Barcelona metro map using real timetables.


A Firefox browser extension that replaces sensitive topics for kitties.
